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Monday, July 27, 2015

What are viral facebook fanpages and why should you create them? money

What are viral facebook fanpages and why should you create them?

Don't know what facebook fanpages are? Facebook, a social networking site with over 500 million users, has set up a system where you can add a page to their site.

This page could be a site for your business, for you as a person, for a charity or cause or anything else you would like.  For us internet marketers, we use it to target a niche or product group that we can market to. By having a fanpage like this, you can invite people to “like” or join your fanpage.

These people can then invite all their facebook friends to also join your facebook fanpage.  This means that the more people that like your page, the more people would see that their friends “liked” your page.  This can cause your page to go viral, meaning it will keep on getting massive amounts of fans without you having to invite anyone. So what do you do after you have a fanpage with thousands of fans?

You monetize it, meaning you create a way that you can profit from it.  This is so easy, because you can post an update on the fanpage, which your fans will see on their facebook news feed.  This means that every time you make an update, thousands of people would see your update or advertisement and potentially hundreds of them could click on them, of which many will buy your product or complete your offer, which in turn would make you money. And this is where the beauty of facebook fanpages lie.

  If you can create a huge fanpage with lots of fans, the sky is the limit on how many ways you can profit with this fanpage.

Working at home for busy moms (part 2)

Family Support Is Crucial 
Going into an at-home work venture without solid family support for the idea can prove 
to be a huge mistake. If family members do not understand that work time is important 
or that work calls shouldn’t be interrupted with blaring rock ‘n’ roll music from a 
teenager’s room, than an uphill battle will need to be fought.  
To make sure your family is onboard, ask yourself these things: 

 Have I discussed the idea thoroughly with all family members?  If you haven’t, you will want to do so. 

Making sure everyone who is old enough understands that just because you are home doesn’t mean that working hours are any less important is vital for your chances at success. 

 Will older family members provide backup during emergencies?  Work at home moms still need to attend meetings, meet deadlines or get out and network. When the need for serious focus time presents, it is imperative to have someone who can step in and take care of childcare and/or household duties. 

 Will family members pitch in? Just because you’re working at home doesn’t mean you can or should handle everything. It will help you immensely if family members will pitch in with chores and do their part to make sure everything in the household flows smoothly.
Working at home after being out in the world can be a bit of a challenge for an entire 
family to adjust to.

 If you’ve been a stay-at-home mom, the challenges can be even 
greater. After all, everyone is used to having you there to help them. Moving into an at
home career means that even if you are there, sometimes priorities will have to shift 
focus. If your family is truly onboard, you will have an edge in whatever endeavor you 

Self-Discipline Gets The Job Done 

It will not matter at all how much money 
you’ve socked aside to get started or how 
supportive your family is, if you can’t motivate 
yourself, you’re in trouble.
 Self-discipline is 
one of the most important traits to have when 
attempting to launch at at-home career. This 
goes for telecommuters who will work full
time for companies as much as it does would
be entrepreneurs.  
To make sure you have what it takes on this front, consider asking yourself these things 
and answering with frank honesty:
 Am I motivated?  If you don’t have the motivation and drive to get up in the morning and get to work, an at-home business will be on shaky ground from the start. While half the reward of working at home is to be around more for the family, you will still need to operate with drive to enjoy business success. Just like raising your children, an at-home career will require time, attention and some serious nurturing. 

 Can I set hours and stick with them?  When you own the operation or work as a freelancer, you can set your own hours. Actually doing so can be a very big help in making sure life is balanced out better. Of course, you can knock off early to play with the kids once in a while, but you will need stick-to-itiveness on a more-or-less regular basis. 

 Can I resist temptations?  One of the issues that self-discipline can overcome involves resisting the temptations to do other things beside work during working hours. When no boss is breathing down your neck, it can be all too easy to watch television, play on the computer or even tackle housework instead performing work-related functions. Give in to temptation too often and your venture might not fly. 

work at home for busy moms (Part 1)

How To Tell If Working At Home Is Right For You                              
You love the idea of being able to 
work at home and relish the notion 
of spending more time with the 
family, but you’re just not sure this is 
the right road for you. Don’t sweat it 
– you are not alone in your doubts. 
Just about every woman who has 
ever launched a successful at-home 
career has faced them. Still, it’s smart 
to be sure. 
Working at home does require a lot of dedication, discipline and patience. It’s just not 
for everyone, and that is perfectly okay. There are a few things that should be carefully 
considered if you’re intending to become a work at home mom. Even if you are a stay at 
home mom, adding a career into the mix can change things a bit. To make sure you’re 
going in a good direction for you, it is important to review such things as finances, family 
support and your ability to cope with the prospect of working at home. Some moms 
thrive in this situation, but others wither.

  Financial Positioning Matters  

If you’re planning on leaving a paying job to work 
at home, having a good handle on your finances 
will be a must. In most cases, it will take some time 
to build up a business or freelance venture enough 
to replace a workaday job. Beyond the capital 
needed to launch the business, you will also need a 
nest egg to cover the startup period. 
How much money to set aside will be dependent 
on a number of factors, including:  
 Your monthly bills  Understand just how big your contribution is to the family’s budget on a monthly basis. Make sure to have figure covered for at least a few months. Three months can do the trick, but it’s a conservative (and safer) choice to shoot for six to even 12. Keep these figures separate from what you’ll need to give your business venture a fighting chance as success, as well. 
 Anticipated extra expenses  Establishing a business at home can take a little upfront capital. Beyond what is needed to cover the family, you’ll also want money for equipment, marketing, licensing and so on. A small business loan might work in some cases, but for many at-home operations, you’ll be on your own with startup costs. 
 Projected “red period”  While business plans might not always pan out exactly on schedule, have a good understanding of your particular venture’s anticipated period of running in the red. You’ll want to make sure you have the money available to cover this period and keep growing the business. Be realistic here.  
If finances are standing in your way, consider seeking out loans, activating a savings plan 
or just working at your business part time at first. There are ways to make your dream 
happen even if the cash isn’t available as quickly as you’d like it to be. 

Advanced Twitter Tricks/Twitter Mistakes To Avoid

Advanced Twitter Tricks  

Here’s a couple of advanced twitter tricks you can learn and apply immediately:  

1. Tweet 125 characters instead of 140: Although you can now tweet more than 140 characters, the whole purpose of Twitter is the short messages. Shorten your tweets to 125 (or shorter if you can) to encourage easy re-tweets and added comments.  

2. Try Friendfeed for finding tweets-  Friendfeed is a very good resource for searching for old tweets. Twitter Search only goes back a few weeks, but Friendfeed allows you to search back much older tweets.  

3. Use Groups to organize your Twitter: Even when you are following a large number of twitter users, you really pay close attention to only a sum of their tweets. By creating groups in your Twitter client, you have a columns for those tweets that are really important.  

4. Don’t Use & in Your Twitter Profile: For some reason, the “&” symbol doesn’t get along well with Twitter and won’t be displayed properly.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1 

Twitter Mistakes To Avoid  

Twitter can be a great way to get more followers. That is if you do things correctly. If you make these silly mistakes, you’ll end up doing more harm than good: 

1. Ranting or blabbing on your business Twitter account

  2. Randomly following twitter users just to increase one’s number of followers.    

3. Be inactive after you’ve garnered a following.    

4. Don’t ever brag too much and provide zero value.    

5. Do not expect to be re-tweeted if you do not re-tweet in return.

6. Do not take your followers for granted.    

7. Spamming is a huge no-no    

8. Using default avatars such as the egg.    

9. Do not EVER use generic backgrounds.   

10. Don’t use Twitter to stalk or harm others.  

In short, stay away from these Twitter mistakes and you’ll be on the pathway to twitter success! Remember, treat others like how you would like to be treated. Which in this case means constantly striving to give quality content.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1

Integrating Twitter With Other Websites

Integrating Twitter With Other Websites

You can actually integrate Twitter with a variety of social platforms and your website to create buzz and a huge following.  
One of these places is your blog. I love blogs.

 You can add a “Tweet This” plugin at the end of every blog posts so to ease the sharing of your great content with others. One good plugin I use is ShareThis which incorporates not just Twitter, but also Facebook, Emails, Digg, Reddit etc. 

Besides that, you can add a “Follow Me On Twitter” button on the side bar of your blog so you can get more followers. Vice-versa, you can tweet followers   
What about Facebook? If you got a Fan page budding with fans, you can encourage them to add you on Twitter.

 You can also install an app where your Facebook content automatically gets tweeted so that you can lead your Twitter followers to your Facebook fan page and vice versa – Isn’t technology wonderful?
One more thing worthy to mention, is using your Twitter account as your signature wherever you go – Name cards, forums, commenting 

on blogs – All these are places where you can build a following and get more customers. Try it today! http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1

The Twitter Marketing Strategy

The Twitter Marketing Strategy  

Every business needs a marketing strategy. Here’s some simple twitter marketing strategy you can immediately learn and apply to your business to start growing it immediately:  
Who do you want to reach on Twitter? Be specific and limit your scope to the demographic you really need – Don’t try and hit everything that moves!   

Look up at least 10 of your customers on Twitter (a quick name search on Google can turned up their Twitter profiles). Once you’ve found some, look at who they’re following and who they talk to. These people could also become part of your audience. See how they describe themselves and  the keywords they use.  
The goal here is not to find everyone you’d like to interact with (that would probably be next to impossible), but to find people who might fit into your audience. 

Try to lookout for important people in your audience.  
Understand their language- You need to understand how your audience talks, what they like, and what they share. Look up what people are saying about your company. Are they saying good things or bad things? Are they asking for advice about what product or company to choose or are they giving feedback? 

Do the same for your competitors. Note if your competitors are jumping in or influencing any of these conversations.  
Notice tonality- Are they generally formal or informal? This will be very different depending on the companies you are tracking and the people you attract.
 It’s always good to match the tone of your audience.  
Also, look at what your audience shares and retweets. What kinds of links and articles do they like? What kinds of terms and ideas get them excited or annoyed?  

Finally, don’t forget to set a goal and track your progress. Determine what you want to achieve within your community and monitor your progress – it’s the surefire way to success!http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1 

How To Get More Twitter Followers

How To Get More Twitter Followers

In the beginning of your Twitter campaign you can click "find people" and via Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL you can find friends who already use Twitter. 
Find and follow the leaders in your niche by scouring the many Twitter user directories. Be prepared to spend time observing these leaders and the various social orders within the user base. 
These observations will help you to find the leaders in your niche.. Pay particular attention to these trendsetters/influencers. Befriend as many of your competitors as possible, but do not forego the small guy as they tend to be quicker to repost your messages. These relationships should be nurtured over time and a few may well lead to some kind of joint ventures in the future.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1 

Another simpler way of getting followers fast is simply promoting your Twitter on your blog, Facebook fan page or email lists of people who are already following you.

 Tell them that they can get the latest updates and news (as well as special offers) by following your Twitter.  

In short, join the conversation and get involved in your community! That is the fastest way to build a huge followinghttp://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1

Building Your Twitter Page

Building Your Twitter Page

The first thing you must do as get an account at Twitter.com and setup your profile page ASAP. Use a custom twitter background instead of those templates (a big no-no). On your profile page, put up a quirky yet description about yourself or your business that gets people curious about you.  

For your custom twitter background, you can use a glamour shot and design graphics which display your business logo, website/blog url, Facebook fan page url and email so that people can contact you easily.  

Try not to put your images too far to the side of the page as certain browsers with different resolutions will cause the details to be hidden. Don’t put it too centre either because the tweet box will block it!  

Also, use a clean, simple design so that people who visit your twitter page can have an enjoyable experience.  
Once you’ve got your Twitter page up and running, it is time to start getting followers!http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1

Basics Of Twitter Marketing

Basics Of Twitter Marketing  

Like any business, you must have a clear game plan or marketing plan or you may find yourself spending plenty of precious time using Twitter but seeing few results. Remember you are using Twitter for marketing and not a casual tool.

Think of specific keywords in selecting your Twitter username. Keep it easy to remember and spell. For personal branding, your own name works wonders.

 Also, don’t forget to think keywords in your short bio. People will often find others on Twitter by searching keywords in Twitter Search. Choose a good picture of you for the image because most people remember faces well. 

When your account is set up be sure to start tweeting (status updating) right away.
 Don't be picky.
 Just start sharing. It's important that you have some updates on your Twitter page before others see it. Remember, content is king. Tweet links to your videos, squidoo lenses, articles, blogposts, audios, or anything else interesting to your target niche market.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1  

Once you have a huge  following be sure to post content regularly. Since you can post to Twitter via cell phone, instant messaging, 

Facebook, Squidoo, MySpace, Blogger, TypePad, and Wordpress new tweets can happen even when you are doing something else.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1 

Tips on keeping subscribers glued to your account

Tips on keeping subscribers glued to your account  
. Keep your pages looking beautiful and/or professional.  
You may need to hire people to do this for you. This is important because if your social media profile looks shabby, people will probably not have a very good impression of your company.   

. Sport a page design that corresponds to the nature of your company.  
You cannot just decide on what design to use based on your personal taste. Instead, it needs to be based on the nature of your services/products. For example, if your products are for children, your page should look fun and colorful.  

. Regularly post new comments and news.  
If you do not post regularly, your subscribers will think that your company is not active and is slacking off. To avoid this, you need to post news and comments regularly.   

. Always respond to questions if possible. Avoid ignoring your subscribers.  
People will certainly ask questions. You should provide a response if you can. This is one way to show hospitability and people will appreciate it.   

18. Do not always use just words. You can use multimedia once in a while.   
If all your announcements are just words and sentences, it will soon get boring no matter how interesting your posts are. So once in a while, try to convey what you want to say through videos, images, and presentations.   

. Try sporting several design schemes from time to time.  
 One design theme throughout the year is too boring. It will also give people the impression that you lack resources, so try sporting a new look for your page from time to time. One good tip is to follow the changes of season (summer look, winter look) or you can also follow the coming of holidays (Christmas look, Halloween look).   

. Just a logo is not enough. Try uploading more photos related to your company.  
Some companies only upload their company logo. This is boring. You should post more photos about your company.  

. Always upload photos of recent events that involved your company.  
If your company recently hosted or attended an event, you should post photographs of it. This way, people will see that your company is active.  

. Do poll questions once in a while. Keep it exciting.   
Studies show that people like answering quick poll questions on social media sites. Try doing it once in a while to entertain your subscribers. But keep it related to your business. For example, if you are in the fashion industry, maybe you can make a poll of which among a list of artists is more fashionable in their opinion.   

. Post updates about new promos that your company offers.  
Your social media profile is one good channel to announce promos and events that your company hosts. Also, it will keep your subscribers checking your profile

Tips on choosing/getting started with social media.

Tips on choosing which social media site to use  

. Choose a social media site that is popular in your area.  
Of course, you want people to view your social media site, especially your target market niche. However, there are social media sites that are popular in some countries but not in others.   
For instance, it appears that Facebook is more widely used in Asian countries while Western countries are more likely to be active on Twitter.

. Consider using multiple social media sites.  
If you live in a place wherein there are several social media sites that are in use, perhaps you can sign up an account on all those social media sites. This way, you will be able to reach more people.  http://adf.ly/10566551/facebook


Tips on getting started with a social media site

. Make a draft plan of the contents first.  
Getting started without a plan can lead to a messy start. This will not be good for your company image. So before you make your social media
account available, make sure that you planned for its contents and design first.

. Come up with an editorial calendar.  
You may have plenty of things you want to share and say. But if you post all of them at the same, people will get confused. Also, you will quickly run out of things to share in the future. So make a timeline and plan which things you want to post first and which ones should follow in a chronological order.   

. Know your target market niche.  
There are plenty of people that join social media sites. However, you do not really want to reach to all of them. You need to focus on a group of people which are ‘potential customers’. Know who they are.  

. Check for a possibly existing account with a similar name.  
You do not want people to confuse you for another organization, group, or individual. You do not know how these other accounts are behaving and anything they do might have implications on your company’s image.   

. Try using checkusernames.com to create a unique moniker.   
If you found out that there are already existing accounts with a similar name or a mockingly similar name, you can go to checkusernames.com to help you come up with an alternative.  

. Know how to lure in the people in your target market niche.  
Do you already have a clear vision of who your target market niche is? The next thing you need to figure out is how you can lure them in. You need to make a research on the things that interest them. For example, if your products are cosmetics and your target market niche are women, then perhaps some video content about makeup tricks will lure them in.   

. Ready high quality graphics and Photoshop edited photos.  
Sometimes, it is not the content but the appearance. What really draws some people into a social media profile is the looks of it. You can make your profile page look more attractive by using pictures, photographs, and images.   

. Ready high quality short articles, comments, posts.  
After luring them in with flamboyant graphics and attractive page design, your people will start looking for content. If they find nothing, they will leave. For some juicy content, you can hire people to write short articles, comments, and posts.   

. Make sure that you have the resources to regularly maintain a social media account. 
  Yes, it is free to sign up to Facebook and Twitter. But you will need to hire graphics artists, video editors, content writers, and maintenance crew. And if you need to advertise, you will probably need to pay these social media sites. Make sure that you have a budget for it.    

. Check to see if having a social media account will really be of help to your company or if it will just be a liability.   
There are a lot benefits in having a social media account for your company. But there are also dangers. You need to analyze if you can take these risks head on.   

. Know the dangers and risks of having a social media account and see if it is worth it.http://adf.ly/10566551/facebook

Tips on using Twitter to get ranking

Tips on using Twitter  

. Edit the URL name and use a main keyword which best describes your company.  
From the default URL assigned to your profile by Twitter, edit it into something like www.twitter.com/YouCompanyNameHere. http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1 

. Regularly post news and events.  
If you leave your Twitter account unattended, people will stop following you. And even if they do not unfollow you, they might stop checking your posts.  

. Follow groups, organizations, companies, and/or people which you believe are connected to your company in some way.  
Follow twitter accounts that are related to the nature of your business. This will increase your exposure to more Twitter users.   

. Avoid posting Tweets on other’s profile.  
 This is to maintain a professional attitude. Remember, this is a company account not a personal account.   

. Avoid using your company Twitter account for personal business.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1  
If you like a certain celebrity or you like to make comments about some current events that are completely unrelated to your business, you should follow them using your own personal account. Business and personal life should not be mixed together.   

. Avoid conveying personal feelings and thoughts via your company Twitter account.  
Tweets about your bath time, the breakfast you had, the new clothes you bought, and your quarrel with your friends do not belong in your company Twitter.   

. Advertise your Twitter account on your other Social media account.  
If you have a Facebook account, tell your Facebook subscribers that you also have a Twitter account. This way, both your accounts will show more subscribers.  94. Hashtags are not very effective.  
If you like doing this trick, well save it. A recent study shows that posts that used hashtags are actually 5% less efficient at attracting users.   

. Do not follow more people than the number of people following you.  
If you are following more people than the number of people of following you, it will make you look desperate. This is not good for your company image. You must exercise some degree of self-importance.   

. Use geo-location to find local target niche.  
This feature is very useful for internet marketing. It will help you locate your target customers better.   
. Focus more on your advocates than your influencers.  
You influencers are only likely to mention you once or twice. After which, you are not really connected with them. But advocates are different. They are potentially long term partners with long term benefits. Invest time on them.   

. Your Tweets should be in harmony with your Facebook posts, if you have both.  
Make sure that company news, events, and promos you Tweet are the same with those you post on your Facebook account.   

. Update users about increase in followers.http://adf.ly/10566551/twitter1

Tips on using Facebook ranking social media

Tips on using Facebook  

. Open a group account, not a personal account.  
There are two types of account you can open on Facebook. For social media marketing, you should open a group account instead of a personal account. Its features are designed for marketing.http://adf.ly/10566551/facebook1   

. Get your first 25 likes.  
A group account will only have access to all its features once it already gathers 25 likes from other users.   

. Consider getting a paid advertisement service from Facebook.  
Facebook offers a tool that will make your page appear on the advertisement section of other Facebook users. You can also set this option to appear only on a select market niche (age filters, address filter, gender filter, etc.). But this is a paid feature.  

. Post things that your subscribers will feel like sharing.   
If one of your subscribers shares a post from your page, it will be available in their profile page. This way, it will be exposed to everyone in the friendlist of that person. This will extend the reach of your social media account.   

. Like pages or groups which are in some way connected to your market niche.  
By liking pages from other groups, you are exposing yourself to the subscribers of those pages. 

. Like pages or groups which are frequented by your target customers.  
Go to pages which your target customers might frequent. For example, if your target customers are women, you might find them fashion pages. Like those pages and perhaps post a comment to those pages to help them find you.    

. Get help from people you know who also have Facebook accounts.   
The start is the difficult part. Ask people you know to like your page. You can also ask them to share the contents of your page. Their friends can also help out. http://adf.ly/10566551/facebook1  

. Include a photo album which shows the faces of your company staffs.  
Studies show that people trust online organizations more if they can see faces. If there is no face, it is as if the organization is hiding something.   

. Keep the photo albums organized according to event and date.  
People like to browse photos. But it is annoying if different photos are just mixed together. Make sure that you organize them in albums.   

. Advertise your Facebook account on your other social media account.   
 If you have a Twitter account for example, post a Tweet inviting your followers to check out your Facebook page as well.   

. Use only one account.  
This is to prevent confusion. If your services and or products are not widely varied, consider getting only one Facebook account.  

. Use several accounts only if your company has varied sectors.  
For example, if your company sells different stuff (e.g. clothes, food, toys), you should probably have a separate account or separate page for each genre.   

. Use your Facebook account to connect with people you meet on business trips and meetings.  
If you met possible affiliates on meetings and business trips, you can use your company’s Facebook account to stay connected with them.   

. Your Facebook posts should be in harmony with your Twitter posts, if you have both.  
Contradicting posts on your Twitter and Facebook account will be seen as an inconsistency. Subscribers might question how your company runs things.   

. Update users about increase in subscribers.  
Tell people that your number of subscribers is growing! This will give the impression that your company is moving forwardhttp://adf.ly/10566551/facebook1

Thursday, July 23, 2015

money starter or breakers

Want to try make some extra money here are a few ways

. Sell yourself . Now, don't get it the wrong way. There are some sites online known as freelance services in which web masters or companies will pay you money if you do certain tasks for them. If you can build websites, program, or do any other technical skills then join these sites.

. Write. This is something that anyone can do and there are no technical skills required except being able to use the computer and research. Look for writing jobs on freelance services. It will help to have a portfolio of some of your writings in order to help increase your chances of getting chosen.

. Do you take pictures? You can sell linceneses to web masters or individuals to use the photos that you take and you can usually charge a good amount for these as well.

. Assist businesses. Yes, businesses and web masters always need help and you can help them with everyday tasks by becoming their virtual assistant.

. Know something about a subject and love to talk? Well, you will love blogging. Blog about the topic and write in a manner that attracts people. You can monetize your site with adsense, sell affiliate programs,sell advertising, you name it. www.blogger.com is a free blogging software.

. Don't know a thing? No worries you are not alone, but that shouldn't stop you from blogging as it doesn't stop others, you can still make money just by blogging on topics that are interesting. You can blog about your everyday tasks, blog about your plans to lose weight, or blog about your plans to make money. Some marketers have started money making challenges such as the 30K challenge, or Willie Crawford's 1 million in 90 days challenge. These types of challenges can gather huge interests in people.

. Fill a need. I own and frequent many forums and i have come to a conclusion that people love to complain. Thats great! Whatever they are complaining about provide them a solution, this equals more money in your wallet.

. Make money by managing domain names. For example, domain name services like Sedo and Afternic gets paid just for regulating domain names. This can be nice steady income for having no products to sell yourself, or by not even selling other people's products... but just by being the middleman.

. Buy and resell domain names for quick cash. I once purchased a domain name at the right time and then flipped it for $200. Domain name flipping takes some time to master like any other skill though.

. Purchase a domain name, build up the pr (pagerank), gain backlinks, and then sell the domain name. If you can get a pr6 domain name then you should be able to sell this for a hundred or two on ebay.

. If you can find a domain name that is keyword rich and is getting steady traffic then purchase it and park it and watch the money come in overtime.

. Build a house and flip it. By this I mean purchase a domain name and build a website for it and then try and sell it for profit.

. Get paid to post a forums. I would only recommend this if your looking for quick side cash because this is by no means a way to make a killing online. Some web masters will pay individuals to make posts at forums. Sometimes, an individual has a new forum up and running and want to get it active so they will pay individuals to post there under multiple usernames. Or, web masters could pay individuals to post on forums so that they can get more traffic to their website through signatures. Or, a webmaster could be the owner of a forum and pay forum users for each post they make in order to help them stay, and in order to help build up traffic.

. Go ahead and try to start your own article directory, but you better do something to make it unique and beneficial to the article submitter. What’s going to make an individual submit to your article directory as opposed to ones that they are accustom to submitting to and “plus” get results with. The good news is most of the other article directories are doing pretty much the same exact thing that everyone else is doing, you just have to be that much different and find your unique positioning.

. Learn the ins and outs about a large network and teach people how to use it effectively, become an expert in that field. For example, look at eBay. Even though it may be simple to use to the average Internet browser, there are still tons of people offline that has no idea about the INS or outs about it.This can be an easy way to make some extra money. Some offline services charge people a whopping sum of money just to sell their products for them on eBay, so that is something for you to think about.

. Think of a crazy innovative idea thats newsworthy. Ever heard of the milliondollarhomepage http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com selling worthless links? Well, it got in the news and people swarmed to the site, proof that its not incredibly hard to make big money online.

. Moderate forums, some forums get crazy traffic and some of them also get crazy amounts of spam that needs to be moderated...badly.

. Make funny videos and then register for an account here http://www.thevideosense.com/ and post them.

. If you are technical then offer support for software programs especially wordpress. People are always having issues with this software and there is money to be made by installing and customizing wordpress blogs.

. If you like surfing the Internet then AGLOCO is a program that pays you for your browsing information (at the stake of your privacy though). You will need to download their tool bar into your desktop.

. Sell tools and useful items to myspace users like templates, layouts, and backgrounds. Too many marketers try to spam this service which is against their tos, so just build real friends and sell themcheap items that they can use on myspace, easy money! Make money on myspace by selling users things that they can use while they are on myspace.

. Write a newsletter and im talking about a real one. A list of subscribers is an incredible asset for your business because you can keep selling to those people over and over again but at least give some good content instead of only emailing when you have something to promote. You can promote your products as long as affiliates once you build trust with your subscribers.

. Build your own forum. Thee are plenty of free scripts out there that will aid you in the process such as http://www.phpbb.com or http://www.simplemachines.org. This is an incredible way to monetize on giving something away for free. When people register they will enter their email and this is an unorthodox way to build a list. Not only that but you can build multiple streams of income by selling advertising as well as monetizing the forum with adsense.

29. Learn seo (search engine optimization), it can be very profitable for you in the long run. Web masters tend to be too busy and that is one reason why many do not get where they want, they cant manage their time too well. So, you can offer to get web masters links to their sites by writing and submitting articles to directories and even optimizing their pages for them.

. Start selling on eBay, eBay is a goldmine. See what is currently selling hot here http://pulse.ebay.com/ and see if you can find any whole sellers with these items at an affordable rate. Make sure that you’re dealing with a reputable seller because there are many scams in this industry so beware.

. Create an award website. Awards have been tested to increase the credibility of a website (which equals more money) so make a website with a fancy logo and offer it to web masters that meet your award's standards.

. Make money online by researching and finding statistics, facts, or quotes for individuals that needs them.

. Write articles. Some networks will give you money for how many view certain articles that you write get. Here is one such network: http://www.associatedcontent.com.

. Learn the ins and outs of myspace, a lot of web masters are looking for people to do marketing for them on myspace and if you know about this network then you can make some money by offering your expertise.

. Make money by referring individuals to paypal and eBay. Yes, these both have affiliate programs (doesn't pay much) but this could be an easy way to make money if you know people that are looking for ways to make money online.

. Try using Co registration to generate some money online. What this means is that a company or service will pay you money when you can generate a lead for them. For example, you place a text banner on your site and once the individual clicks they will usually be sent to a form in which they can enter their personal information, and once they have done that you get paid for it. Its obvious that to get people to enter their “personal information” online you must have an incentive offer or copy, because people are fearful of spam (i am too). However, this shouldn't discourage you because this is very possible though.

Monday, July 20, 2015


The options are limitless so you just need to find out what you think will be the most suitable way for you because everyone has different interests. I would recommend concentrating on a couple of these ways to make money... there are but so many hours in a day and the more.

6 to 10 
6. Offer online tutoring. There are always people looking to learn something new and the Internet makes it not only easier for you to do so but also effective. Never before have there been such an easier way to communicate with individuals live from all the way across the globe. By having your own website on your own server, you will help make yourself stand out from the majority of your competition.

7. Like sports? Make a sports site of some sort and monetize it with one of the methods that i mentioned earlier. Golf is a very expensive sport which makes this a good niche to tap into.

8. Start a website that relies 100% on backends. This is an easy way to make money and to also get individuals to sign up to your website. Just look at eBay, and paypal. Both websites are FREE to join and sign up but there are many hidden fees. It costs every time you receive money through paypal, and it costs every time you sell something on eBay, it relies 100% on backend sells a nice and effective business structure.

9.Try network marketing. One of the fastest ways that an individual can grow their business is by leveraging the resources of others and a lot of beginning online business owners are always looking for other web masters to partner with. If you can help broker or bring webmasters together, then this may be a profitable business for you in the end. You could charge money for each connection that is made.

10. Online dating is a popular niche and there are many affiliate programs that pay you for each lead that you give them which can be some easy money if you know a lot of people. Or, if you have a unique idea you can go about forming your own dating site.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

money money

here are some ways,, people who are new to internet marketing or who are interested in making money online that there are lots of ways to make money online.

The options are limitless so you just need to find out what you think will be the most suitable way for you because everyone has different interests. concentrating on a couple of these ways to make money.
1-5 steps
1. Write an info product for a well established niche, this is one of the easiest ways that i use to constantly make money online . If your info product has anything new or innovative then it should sell well. However, just don't write the ebook! Build a business. Gather visitors emails that comes to your site and offer them complimentary products through affiliate programs. Go ahead and offer upsells, and backends, and memberships for recurring income. If your just offering an ebook your leaving potential of thousands and thousands of dollars right on the dinner table, don't think of it as “YES! I made a sale,”think of it as a real business and increasing the amount of profits you make per sale.

2. Start your own online country, that’s right. What I mean by this is basically your own unique online community that is catered towards a group of people that allows them to share content and information with each other. Look at myspace, facebook, and youtube. Million and Billion dollar ideas in just a couple of years.

3. Build your virtual real estate. I'm not too much of a adsense site type of guy, im into building businesses instead, i prefer making social networking sites that will gather people's attention... and a good way to go about this is make it FREE, thats the magic word. Once you get people to register to your site you can then allow them to share it with their friends which will help make your site grow bigger. If your website is getting traffic then you can monetize off this with adsense or by selling advertising which can be a killer money maker by you literally doing nothing.

4. Help a friend get a job. Its funny while you’re out to start working for yourself, you are out to know help connect people you know with better jobs. Many people are looking for jobs, just take for instance craigslist one of the most populated websites in the world has a large section for connecting employers and job seekers. Also, monster.com is also a huge network for connecting employers with job seekers as well. If you can help connect someone then the rewards could be huge, as big as in the 1000 range, not really no chicken change.

5. Advertise and sell other people's products from your website which is known as affiliate marketing which is such a hot field because people are looking for ways to make money online without having their own product, and this is one that you can accomplish this. Some affiliate networks to check are commission junction, Amazon, and linkshare. The popular one for selling digital product is clickbank.ex